Februari 1, 2025

Kuala Lumpur 26 February: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, represented by Prof. Dato’ Seri Zaini Ujang, Vice-Chancellor, and University of Tsukuba, represented by Prof. Dr. Shiraiwa Yoshihiro, Head of Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, exchanged Memorandum of Understanding.

This MOU will foster and strengthen relationship between both universities to enhance cooperation on education and research.  A day earlier, the delegation consists of 4 officials, met the  academic staff in the Department of Environmental and Green Technology of Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), to share the research focus and exchange opinions on the future collaboration on education and research. 

University of Tsukuba is the 25th University, joining Japanese University Consortium (JUC) to support activities of MJIIT. The collaboration between University of Tsukuba and MJIIT will be initially extended to the field of Environment and Green Technology based on its active research activities and close collaboration with industries and research institutions in the distinctive fields both in Japan and globally.

The collaboration will also encourage mobility of staff and students on education and research between both universities.

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