Februari 11, 2025


Empowering Communities through Sustainable Practices: UTM’s Recycle Campaign and Soap-Making Workshop

KUALA LUMPUR, 6 July 2024-  The committee of the College Student Council, Siswa Jaya College (JKM KSJ) at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Kuala Lumpur, along with volunteer students from the Chemical Energy Conversions and Applications- Innovative Kohza (ChECA- iKohza) program at the Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), successfully carried out a community project at the Perumahan Awam Desa Rejang housing area in PPR Desa Rejang, Setapak. This activity aimed to raise awareness about the environmental impact in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It included a recycling campaign and a soap-making workshop where waste cooking oil was used as the main ingredient for producing solid dishwashing soap.

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This program was supported by the Centre for Community and Industry Network (CCIN) and officiated by their representative, Puan Suhailah Safie. Participants from Persatuan Penduduk Perumahan Awam Desa Rejang and Persatuan Kebajikan Insan Istimewa Jati Diri (PERJATI) Desa Rejang Kuala Lumpur were involved. The event began with an engagement session on the importance of recycling, presented by the invited speaker, Puan Atikah from SWCorp, followed by an introduction to the soap-making workshop by Project Advisor Dr. Zatil Izzah Ahmad Tarmizi. Participants gained insights into the harmful effects of improper disposal of waste cooking oil and how it can be repurposed into useful products such as solid dishwashing soap. Through a hands-on workshop, participants were able to create their own soap, gaining a practical understanding of sustainable living.


Sharifah Aina Zarifah binti Syed Ahmad Zamri, the Programme Director, emphasized the significance of such initiatives. “Our goal is to educate and empower the community with knowledge and skills that promote environmental sustainability. By turning waste cooking oil into soap, we not only reduce waste but also create a useful product that can be used in households. This workshop is a step towards a more sustainable future,” she stated.


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The project advisor emphasized the workshop’s educational value, stating, “Housewives can use recycled oil to make dishwashing soap, which is both practical and environmentally friendly. I am thrilled to see the enthusiasm and participation, and we plan to continue this program with even more interesting activities.”

The success of this workshop would not have been possible without the support and dedication of several key individuals. Mr. Haji Ismail bin Shaari, Chairman of Penduduk Perumahan Awam Desa Rejang, assistant chairman Mustaffa Kamal bin Syaripuddin, and Secretary Suria binti Jamaludin played important roles in organizing and facilitating the event. Additionally, Rosali bin Md Nasid, Chairman of PERJATI, contributed significantly to the smooth execution of the activities.

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The workshop was a valuable experience for all participants, providing practical skills and knowledge to contribute to sustainability practices. This workshop took a step toward a greener future by educating and encouraging participants. The team looks forward to inspiring more people and parties to engage in conservation activities and continuing our commitment to environmental sustainability.


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