Februari 19, 2025

In line with the purpose to further and promote research collaborations and sharings among faculty members, Applied Algebra & Analysis Group (AAAG), Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Frontier Materials Research Alliance, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), has introduced bi-weekly seminar which serves as a platform for experts within and outside the University to talk about their researches and findings related to pure mathematics. In the welcoming address by the Research Group Leader, Assoc Prof Dr Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali, the purpose of the seminar is mainly to encourage more research sharing. This sharing can also provide an effective way of communicating ideas and methods, in addition to an opportunity to learn alternative ways of solving problems. At the same time, the questions and answers session after the presentation provide an effective platform the participants as well as the speakers to improve or expand their research where applicable.

The aim of this research group is to bring developmental research through collaborations between researchers which can encourage scholars from other fields of study to subject themselves to unfamiliar area of research out of their academic comfort zone. Doing so may help the researchers to appreciate how other areas conceptualize their questions, which methods they use to investigate these questions, and how they may approach intervention and innovations. The exposure to these talks may uncover opportunities for translation into new research and represent an innovation that moves the science forward.

On 26 October 2020, Dr. Mohd Ali Khameini Ahmad gave the first talk of the seminar series with the title “An Introduction to p-Adic Numbers and Solvability of Polynomial Equations”. He explained the two ways of constructing the p-adic numbers, by analytical approach or by algebraic approach, in which he focused more on the analytic approach. In addition, the speaker talked on the solvability conditions of the quadratic equations over the p-adic numbers field.

The second talk of the series was held on 9 November 2020 by Dr. Ibrahim Gambo titled “On Perfect Codes Concept Over Some Graphs of Commutative Ring with Characteristics 0 and p”. The speaker talks on a simple and undirected graph as an instrument that extensively utilized to model varied problems in a unit graph, interval semi rings, and division rings and on how perfect codes are established from the graphs.

The two seminars were attended by more than 120 participants from over 12 different countries around the world (some of them are: Indonesia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Lybia), including students and academic staff. The next seminar is coming up on 7 December 2020.

We are looking forward to have more researchers/students joining us in our future seminars.

Thank you

Prepared by,

Dr Ibrahim Gambo, Dr Mohd Ali Khameini Ahmad, Assoc Prof Dr Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali & Prof Dr Nor Haniza Sarmin
Applied Algebra and Analysis Group,
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

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