Februari 12, 2025

MJIIT Organized Workshop on How to Get Yourself Employed to Guide Final Year Students on Job Hunting

Kuala Lumpur, 7 April. -The Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) had organized a Workshop on How to Get Yourself Employed (HTGYE) on 6th and 7th April 2019 for final year undergraduate students. The workshop aimed at assisting the graduating students to have better insight on job hunting process for employment purposes. It  was attended by 230 students from the  Mechanical Precision Engineering, Electronic System Engineering, and Chemical Process Engineering disciplines and was coordinated by Prof. Dr. Aminaton Marto.  In this   1 day seminar followed by a mock interview session workshop, a total of 21 Professors and lecturers from MJIIT were involved as the presenters and facilitators. The Dean of MJIIT, Prof. Dr. Ali Selamat started the event by delivering a welcoming address. He said that the workshop was important as it could help all MJIIT students to secure job in the near future.

Dean of MJIIT, Prof. Dr. Ali Selamat gave the welcoming address before workshop started

The modules and facilitators of the seminar are as follows:

Module 1: What Employers Look for When Recruiting?

(Assoc. Prof. Dr. Koji Iwamoto, Ir. Dr. Zool Hilmi and Dr. Mohd Fitri)

Module 2: Strategies on How to Get Yourself Employed

(Dr. Mohd Azizi, Dr. Shahira Liza, and Dr. Kamyar)

Module 3: Writing a Good Resume

(Prof. Dr. Kanao Fukuda, Assoc. Prof. Mohd. Fauzi, Dr. Li.ew Peng Yen, and Dr. Khairunnisa)

Module 4: How to Make a Positive First Impression for Job Interview

(Dr. Rahayu Tasnim, Prof. Dr. Masafumi Goto and Prof. Dr. Aminaton Marto)

Module 5: Pre-Interview Preparation; Facing a Job Interview

(Dr. Mohamma.d Ali Tareq and Ir. Dr. Pauziah)

Module 6: Surviving Your First Job

(Prof. Dr. Masafumi Goto and Dr. Norhuda)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Koji Iwamoto shared his experiences based on the module entitled ‘What Employers Look for When Recruiting’

Prof. Dr. Kanao Fukuda shared tips on how to write a good resume

Students were told that besides local and other international companies,  there are about 1,300 Japanese companies in Malaysia that could be their potential employers.  In order to facilitate students to go through the job application process steadily, they were required to prepare a resume based on a job advertisement sample. Students worked in groups, with 8 members for each group.  On the following day, they attended a mock interview. The panel interviewers were MJIIT lecturers and professors who mostly had vast experience working in the industry before. They were Prof. Dr. Kanao Fukuda, Prof. Dr. Masafumi Goto, Prof. Dr. Koichiro Mashiko, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Iwamoto, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Fauzi, Dr. Muhammad Sukri, Ir. Dr. Zool Hilmi, Dr. Mohd Azizi, Dr. Jun Ishimatsu, Dr. Akbariah, Dr. Liew Peng Yen, Dr. Mohd Ali Tareq, Dr. Norhuda, Dr. Shahira Liza, Dr. Khairunnisa, Dr. Nor Ruwaida, Dr. Kamyar, and Dr. Mohd Fitri. At the end of the workshop, a post-mortem session took place between interviewers and students to discuss ways to improve the students’ performance in job hunting process based on their performance in the mock interview.

Question and answer session

Group photo of all the participants


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