Prepared by: Ts. Dr. Leng Pau Chung
The Programme of Architecture, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying (FABU), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) had successfully organized and hosted the 1st International webinar in collaboration with Architecture School of Sri Ramaswamy Memorial Institute of Science and Technology (SRMIST), India, Vellore Institute of Technology, India, Universitas Indonesia, and Walailak University, Thailand on 29th March 2022 (Tuesday) from 3.00 p.m. till 6.15 p.m. through Cisco Webex online platform.

This webinar series is more special in the way that 5 architecture schools from 4 different countries collaborated and disseminated knowledge to the audience present on the virtual platform.
The International webinar was participated by more than 90’s audiences. The participants were from various locations around the world including India, Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia.
The International webinar series 1 for the year 2022 was officiated by the Director of Architecture Programme, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alice Sabrina Ismail and moderated by senior lecturer of Architecture Programme UTM, Ts. Dr. Leng Pau Chung.
The event was successfully held with five (5) prominent speakers: the Head of Architecture School, SRMIST, Prof. Dr. C. Pradeepa; the Associate Lecturer from Department of Architecture, Universitas Indonesia, Mdm. Nevine Rafa Kusuma; the Assistant Professor from School of Architecture & Planning, Vellore Institute of Technology, India, Prof. Mohafiz Riaz; the Head of Research Group in Design Process, Practice and Management (DPROM), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khairul Anwar Khaidzir, as well as a lecturer from Walailak University, Thailand, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kitchai Jitkhajornwanich.
This event has received a lot of positive comments and feedback from audiences.
It has drawn a wide range of local and international attendees from different agencies and institutions.
The 3 hours webinar session has enriched the audience’s view and knowledge from technological and various empirical research studies to the theoretical and philosophical approach in architectural design.
The event allowed the UTM architecture programme to connect with a wider range of students and academics than they would have otherwise.
To benefit all institutions involved, UTM architecture programme hopes that a broader discourse on the built environment can be conducted in the future that covers areas such as an interdisciplinary field that covers design, construction, and management to benefit academicians, students and industry practitioners.